Mesa Foreclosure Property Search

Search Criteria
Foreclosure Number:  
Borrower/Grantor's Name:
Current Owner's Name:  
Zip Code:    
Subdivision Name:  
NED Date Range: -
Sold Date Range: -
Current Scheduled Sale Date Range: -
Eligible For Deferment:
Expedited Sale:

You can search by:
  • Foreclosure Number
    Enter the number of the foreclosure you would like to view EX: “2010-0000”. If you want to see all listings for 2010, enter "2010-".

  • Street Name
    Enter the street name, no numbers and no geographical references, and see listings on that street.

  • Current Owners Name
    Enter the name of the Owner. If you enter "David", you will see listings for the name "David" as well as "Davidson".

  • Subdivision Name
    Enter the subdivision name. If you only know part of the subdivision name, enter the information you know and the search will bring up all foreclosure files containing that information. EX: "Cherry" will show "Cherry Creek Acres", "Cherrywood", "Cherry Grove East",etc…

  • Zip Code
    Enter the zip code.

  • Status
    Select the foreclosure status from the pull down.

  • NED Recorded Date Range
    Select the NED date range of the foreclosures you would like to view from the calendar.

  • Sold Date Range
    Select the Sale date range of the foreclosures you would like to view from the calendar.

  • Current Scheduled Sale Date Range
    Select a Sale date range from the calendar to Display all files currently scheduled during the date range selected.

  • Eligible for Deferment
    Select from the drop down “Yes” if you would like to see only files that are Eligible for Deferment. Select from the drop down “No” if you would like to see only files that are not Eligible for Deferment.

  • Expedited Sale
    Select from the drop down “Yes” if you would like to see only files that are marked as Expedited Sales. Select from the drop down “No” if you would like to see only files that are not marked as Expedited Sales.